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Johanna Frost
28. Nov. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
The best christmas gift is to realize how much you already have...
Hair: DOUX - Ylenia Hairstyle Head: lel EvoX BRIANNON Sweater: TETRA - Soft wool knit sweater Pants: Blueberry - Power Play - Jeans Pose:...
15 Ansichten0 Kommentare
Johanna Frost
22. Nov. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
Hot tramp, I love you so!
Hair: DOUX - Dani Glasses: [Z O O M] Starwood Glasses Jacket: [The Forge] Akumi Jacket Bra: [VALE KOER] ESSENTIAL BRA Belt: [The Forge]...
4 Ansichten0 Kommentare
Johanna Frost
14. Nov. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
I love you like a love song, baby...
Hair: DOUX - Ubert Hairstyle Head: LeLUTKA Briannon Skin: [theSkinnery] Piper Eyes: ::Sequoia:: Ecstasy unusual eye Eyeliner: .MILA. Fox...
9 Ansichten0 Kommentare
Johanna Frost
5. Nov. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
May i drive with you ?
Hair: DOUX - Ubert Head: LeLUTKA Briannon Skin: [theSkinnery] Piper Jacket: TETRA - Leather Jacket with Hoodie Jeans: Addams // Real Worn...
6 Ansichten0 Kommentare
Johanna Frost
3. Nov. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
You say you wanted more! What are you waiting for? I'm not running from you...
Hair: DOUX - Ubert Head: LeLUTKA Briannon Skin: [theSkinnery] Piper Eyes: LOTUS. Stars Eyes MakeUp: Opulein: Dark Side Eyeshadow *Heron -...
9 Ansichten0 Kommentare
Johanna Frost
30. Okt. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
I fight because I have to...
Head: LeLUTKA Briannon Skin: E.BEAUTY - OLYMPIA MakeUp: Opulein: Dark Side Eyeshadow WEN - NOSE SCAR [the Skinnery] Face Bundle A dark...
5 Ansichten0 Kommentare
Johanna Frost
28. Okt. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
Please don′t fake it, show me what you're all about...
Head: LeLUTKA Briannon Skin: [theSkinnery] Piper MakeUp: [the Skinnery] Face Bundle A blush 1 50% [the Skinnery] Face Bundle A dark...
17 Ansichten0 Kommentare
Johanna Frost
25. Okt. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
Cause I don't even care about the time I've got left here...
Head: GENUS Project - Genus Head - Classic Face Hair: DOUX - Tainy Scarf: Una.Scarf Green Jacket: *COCO*_DuffleCoat
4 Ansichten0 Kommentare
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